250′ x 72′ x 15′ DP-3 Construction Barge


SKU: 16572 Categories: , 16572
AGENT: Terry Robinson | 618-281-4503
Email this agent
SKU:BG 16572
CATEGORIES:ABS Barges for sale, Barges For Sale
DIMENSIONS: 250 Length X 72 Width X 15.0 Height



DPS-3 – (4) 1000 hp Thrustmaster                       Living Quarters with bunks for 72


-Redundant DGPS Systems                            Client Office/Accommodations


-Taut Wire System                                          Commercial Galley with seating for 40


-Kongsberg HiPap 500                                   Recreation Room                                           


Below Deck Machinery Space                             Sewage Treatment System


Internal Ballast System                                         Internal Fuel tankage (154,390 gallons)


Heliport 44’ x 44’ with 11,700# capacity             Deck Space 115’ x 68’


Main Crane Lima 7707 w/110’ – 150’ boom        Auxiliary Crane 15 Ton (Man Rated)


Three 300 KW Generators                                    One 99 KW Standby Generator         


Satellite communications                                      Internet




DPS-3 – (4) 1000 hp Thrustmaster                       Living Quarters with bunks for 72


-Redundant DGPS Systems                            Client Office/Accommodations


-Taut Wire System                                          Commercial Galley with seating for 40


-Kongsberg HiPap 500                                   Recreation Room                                           


Below Deck Machinery Space                             Sewage Treatment System


Internal Ballast System                                         Internal Fuel tankage (154,390 gallons)


Heliport 44’ x 44’ with 11,700# capacity             Deck Space 115’ x 68’


Main Crane Lima 7707 w/110’ - 150’ boom        Auxiliary Crane 15 Ton (Man Rated)


Three 300 KW Generators                                    One 99 KW Standby Generator         


Satellite communications                                      Internet


Year Built: 1981
Flag: US
Classification: USCG and ABS expired
Construction: Steel
Location: Louisiana
Length: 250 Ft. / 82.02 Mt.
Beam: 72 Ft. / 23.62 Mt.
Depth: 15.0 Ft. / 4.92 Mt.
Tank Capacities
Gallon Metric Tons Barrels
Fuel: 154390 552.0
Berths: 72 KTS
Primary Machinery
Horse Power: 0